Monday, February 9, 2009

Mango mango's BD

[Saturday night, Sunday morning]

Rayner and I went to Grapevine, cafe bar & restaurant, to meet up with the rest of his friends from WLNY, to celebrate Mango's birthday.

Though she's 26, she don't look her age. Which is good when hitting the thirties.

Anyway, Grapevine is a really cool place.
It's some sort of open air, which means not air-conditioned. The best part is that, it's not crowded with rowdy people and noisy music.

Food served there is average, and the menu include those normal western food, like cabonara, finger food, ribeye steak, dory fish fillet... They serve wine, beer and liquor.

Only downside was that, I thought the deco could be more consistent? The seats out side, inside, and at the sides, are of difference theme.. Hmm.. Maybe they expand the place and couldn't get the same furniture? Lol!

The whole bunch of us headed down to Hotel 81. 16 people to be exact.
Though we sneaked in in pairs, the managment didn't spared us.
Hah! But, we got round with stuff, and all of us managed to stay in the room..

Played drinking games, and the number guessing game.

Got really lobster red after that!!

The red already subsided in this picture.
Look at the blurred Rayner.

(p.s. Note that I wrote alot about grapevine yea? It wasn't intended. I just wanted to fill this entry with more words so the top picture will be surrounded by words. So yeaaa.. Now I am hungry, I want nuggets!)
(p.s.s Do not laugh and point out my eyebrow! I know alright?! I mis-trimmed it!! and I wasn't even wearing an ounce of makeup. I feel super insecure when my eyebrows are not in place. zzZ)

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