Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Hello!! ^^ WARM WELCOME =)))

(When you notice that I seems exceptionally host-ful/ly/?? , I means I am going to ask for help.)

Wahaha! --

Just a simple simple favour from you people!
IF, you happen to know any COSTUME RENTAL SHOP in Singapore. Leave me a COMMENT or MSN me, to tell me about the LOCATION and the renting FEES.

Please people! You got to help me, then you'll see much more interesting pictures leh!! SO, please, ask around and stuff. *hopeful eyes*

When I say costumes, it can range from Jap kimono, to Cosplay, to Barbie, no Biker. Yeahh.. Got the idea yea??

SO, if you want to see more, call this number.... SAHH LAR!! lol, suddenly thought of the "green matching pipes". Anyway, if you want to see more interesting pictures, comment me alrights.

(For mfss people reading this, u know many seniors rented traditional outfits for the racial harmony or something yea? They should know, do help me ask arnd alright, my social circle is pathetically small. ^^)

OH, and for any of you people reading this, and you own Cosplay or interesting outfits, and are willing to lend me, do comment/msn/call me alright! ^^

I will love you alot! =)

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