Sunday, June 7, 2009

Gee! Exams are finally over. =)
And hello holidays!

Sad news to all, my laptop is not back yet. Yea, so much of the cheap thrill of happiness 2 weeks back yea? The latest update about the retrieval of my sad laptop will be on the coming Friday. I am totally not going to make a big whoo-haa about it. Who knows it might be 1mth later till I really see it again? Sad laptop. Sigh.
Don't fret, just feel.
Aren't I close enough boy??
Alright. You've guessed it, I am going to yak about my how sad my life is without my laptop. Lol! It's been 3mths since I disconnected from the internet world, and sadly, here, the net, is where I get my $$ from. So, 3 mths, and I only about 5 jobs? Of course I am tight on cash. Sulk.

Ehh, this is like an irritatingly SAD entry.
Lost the urge to blog. Gahhh..

(p.s. So much of being poor, I got myself a pair of silver heels from Charles and Keith, for being such a studious girl the past week! =) )

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