Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's the last year!!

The second week of year 3 has just commence.
Honestly, I am so so glad that year 3 has finally arrived!
I simply have this wonderful feeling that year 3 is going to come and go real quick.
And, with just a blink of an eye, I'm done with poly!!

I can't wait to go for internship.
I can't wait to graduate.
I can't wait to enter the working life.
I can't wait to dress up as a confident woman for work.
I can't wait to have a career.

Omg, all these "I can't wait to"s are whipping up a fiery passion in me.
It's Year 3.
My last year as a teenager.

I am so going to be a young adult next year.
Fresh to the industry.
And passionate to take on the challenges ahead.

I'm feeling so good.
Glad. =]

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