Friday, July 8, 2011

062311. Family Day at Universal Studio. [Part 1]

Yay yay, the pictures taken from that Universal Studio day is finally uploaded.
I know I took decades, but I was having a tough time thinking which pictures to delete. :S 
I have to admit that it was a spammed photo-taking session.

My mother suggested to have a family outing two weeks ago, before the little kids in my family have to start school. So yea, we paid for the peak hour tickets. Though that was my second time to Universal Studio, I had so much more fun compared to the first. 
(My first visit was with MrSalty and his company. Not quite the group that I am totally comfortable with.)

Enjoy the entry! :)

We had early lunch on this burger joint inside USS.
The cheesy fries was super nice!! 

The hat stand outside the costume stall was the best photo taking spot!
Everyone look so cute with the head gears on.

See? Even my parents enjoyed themselves. 
It is such an odd sight to see my dad laugh like that. Lol!

This guy was SUPER ODD. 
He kept staring at me when I walked past, when I stood beside him, and when I walked away, and when he was taking photos with another group. Maybe he knew who I was, but he can't speak. LOL! 

We bought the $2 ponchos for the water games. 

Everyone looked so cute with the raincoats!

Alright, I'll stop here.
I shall continue with part 2 tomorrow. :)

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