Thursday, April 8, 2010

The young ones.

I was sorting my old picture folder and found these scans!

Rinda 15yo , Mummy, Angela 5yo , Daddy, Nana 10yo, Myself 9yo.

This was taken in Australia.
I think Mummy was having wisdom teeth problems. Lol.
AhYingzehzeh (Rinda) look damn chio here.

Daddy. He couldn't speak Chinese then, and the only Chinese stuff he told us was,
" 从前有个庙, 庙里有个和尚.

Angela's face was almost too small to be seen.

Nana = LOL.

I look damn 江湖 even as a child.
Check out my socks.

As usual,
Nana = LOL.
Angela = awkward.
Me = acting as though a model.
Check out my socks, again.


 Extremely bad picture.
My mum made all of us, excluding AhYingzehzeh, cut this retarded hairstyle,
because we went to Thailand before this,
hence the coconut hair. =(

I don't look like a boy!
I don't look like a boy!
I don't look like a boy!

I was 3 year old.
Both Mummy and I forgot where was this.
From my memory, this place has water clear as sky, and vroomvroom motorboats.

And then,
we stopped looking cute.
This was when I was 14, and Nana 15.

She still look like zehzeh then.
Now I either look older than her, or we look like friends of the same age.


I really wish I will never forget my childhood..
But sometimes I do wonder,.. 
Did certain events of my childhood actually happen?
Or did I dream it?


I'll never know.

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